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Tsunematsu T (2023) What are the neural mechanisms and physiological functions of dreams? Neurosci Res. 189:54-59.

Hasegawa E, Oishi Y, Kroeger D, Tsunematsu T, Dauvilliers Y (2023) Editorial: Neurobiology of sleeping behaviors. Front Behav Neurosci. 17:1131920.

Takahashi A, Cuttoli RD, Flanigan M, Hasegawa E, Tsunematsu T, Aleyasin H, Cherasse Y, Miya K, Okada T, Keino-Masu K, Mitsui K, Li L, Patel V, Blitzer R, Lazarus M, Tanaka KF, Yamanaka A, Sakurai T, Ogawa S, Russo S (2022) Lateral habenula glutamatergic neurons projecting to the dorsal raphe nucleus promote aggressive arousal in mice. Nat Commun 13(1): 4039.

Matsumoto S, Tsunematsu T (2021) Association between Sleep, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s Disease. Biology 1127 (10)

Tsunematsu T, Sakata S, Sanagi T, Tanaka KF, Matsui K (2021) Region-specific and state-dependent astrocyte Ca2+ dynamics during the sleep-wake cycle in mice. J Neurosci 41(25): 5440-5452.

Natsubori A, Tsunematsu T, Karashima A, Imamura H, Kabe N, Trevisiol A, Hirrlinger J, Kodama T, Sanagi T, Masamoto K, Takata N, Nave KA, Matsui K, Tanaka KF, Honda M (2020) Intracellular ATP levels in mouse cortical excitatory neurons varies with sleep-wake states. Commun Biol 3:491.

Tsunematsu T, Patel AP, Onken A, Sakata S (2020) State-dependent brainstem ensemble dynamics and their interactions with hippocampus across sleep states. eLife 9:e52244.

Williams RH, Tsunematsu T, Thomas AM, Bogyo K, Yamanaka A, Kilduff TS (2019) Transgenic Archaerhodopsin-3 Expression in Hypocretin/Orexin Neurons Engenders Cellular Dysfunction and Features of Type 2 Narcolepsy. J Neurosci 39(47): 9435-9452.

Sanagi T, Sasaki T, Nakagaki K, Minamimoto T, Kohsaka S, Ichinohe N (2019) Segmented Iba1-Positive Processes of Microglia in Autism Model Marmosets. Front Cell Neurosci 30:1-8.

Yague JG, Tsunematsu T, Sakata S (2017) Distinct Temporal Coordination of Spontaneous Population Activity between Basal Forebrain and Auditory Cortex. Front Neural Circuits 11: Article 64, 1-14.

Scharf R, Tsunematsu T, McAlinden N, Dawson MD, Sakata S, Mathieson K (2016) Depth-specific optogenetics control in vivo with a scalable, high-density µLED neural probe. Sci Rep 6: Article number: 28381

Inutsuka A, Inui A, Tabuchi S, Tsunematsu T, Lazarus M, Yamanaka A (2014) Concurrent and robust regulation of feeding behaviors and metabolism by orexin neurons. Neuropharmacology 85: 451-460.

Ohmura Y, Tanaka KF, Tsunematsu T, Yamanaka A, Yoshioka M (2014) Optogenetic activation of serotonergic neurons enhances anxiety-like behavior in mice. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 17(11):1777-1783.

Tsunematsu T, Ueno T, Tabuchi S, Inutsuka A, Tanaka KF, Hasuwa H, Kilduff TS, Terao A, Yamanaka A (2014) Optogenetic manipulation of activity and temporally-controlled cell-specific ablation reveal a role for MCH neurons in sleep/wake regulation. J Neurosci 34(20): 6896-6909.

Tabuchi S, Tsunematsu T, Black SW, Tominaga M, Maruyama M, Takagi K, Minokoshi Y, Sakurai T, Kilduff TS, Yamanaka A (2014) Conditional ablation of orexin/hypocretin neurons: A new mouse model for the study of narcolepsy and orexin system function. J Neurosci 34(19): 6495-6509.

Waga C, Asano H, Sanagi T, Suzuki E, Nakamura Y, Tsuchiya A, Itoh M, Goto Y, Kohsaka S, Uchino S (2014) Identification of two novel Shank3 transcripts in the developing mouse neocortex. J neurochem 128:280-293.

Tsunematsu T, Tabuchi S, Tanaka KF, Boyden ES, Tominaga M, Yamanaka A (2013) Long-lasting silencing of orexin/hypocretin neurons using archaerhodopsin induces slow-wave sleep in mice. Behavioural Brain Research 255: 64-74.

Tabuchi S, Tsunematsu T, Kilduff TS, Sugio S, Tanaka KF, Takahashi S, Tominaga M, Yamanaka A (2013) Influence of inhibitory serotonergic inputs to orexin/hypocretin neurons on the diurnal rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. Sleep 36(9): 1391-1404.

Tsujino N, Tsunematsu T, Uchigashima M, Konno K, Yamanaka A, Kobayashi K, Koyama Y, Sakurai T (2013) Chronic alterations in monoaminergic cells in the locus coeruleus in orexin neuron-ablated narcoleptic mice. PLoS One 8(7):e70012.

Tsunematsu T, Tanaka KF, Yamanaka A, Koizumi A (2013) Ectopic expression of melanopsin in orexin/hypocretin neurons enables control of wakefulness of mice in vivo by blue light. Neurosci Res 75(1): 23-8.

Tsunematsu T, Yamanaka A (2012) The Role of Orexin/Hypocretin in the Central Nervous System and Peripheral Tissues. Vitamin and Hormones 89: 19-33.

Sanagi T, Nakamura Y, Suzuki E, Uchino S, Aoki M, Warita H, Itoyama Y, Kohsaka S, Ohsawa K (2012) Involvement of activated microglia in increased vulnerability of motoneurons after facial nerve avulsion in presymptomatic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis model rats. Glia 60:782-793.

Ohsawa K, Sanagi T, Nakamura Y, Suzuki E, Inoue K, Kohsaka S (2012) Adenosine A3 receptor is involved in ADP-induced microglial process extension and migration. J neurochem 121:217-227.

Tsunematsu T, Kilduff TS, Boyden ES, Takahashi S, Tominaga M, Yamanaka A (2011) Acute optogenetic silencing of orexin/hypocretin neurons induces slow-wave sleep in mice. J Neurosci 31: 10529-10539.

Hirashima N*, Tsunematsu T*, Ichiki K, Tanaka H, Kilduff TS, Yamanaka A (2011) Neuropeptide B induces slow wave sleep in mice. Sleep 34: 31-37.

Yamanaka A, Tabuchi S, Tsunematsu T, Fukazawa Y, Tominaga M (2010) Orexin Directly Excites Orexin Neurons through Orexin 2 Receptor. J Neurosci 30: 12642-12652.

Yamanaka A, Tsunematsu T (2010) New approaches for the study of orexin functions. J Neuroendocrinology 22: 818-824.

Sanagi T, Yuasa S, Nakamura Y, Suzuki E, Aoki M, Warita H, Itoyama Y, Uchino S, Kohsaka S, Ohsawa K (2010) Appearance of phagocytic microglia adjacent to motoneurons in spinal cord tissue from a presymptomatic transgenic rat model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J neurosci res 88:2736-2746.

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Ohsawa K, Irino Y, Sanagi T, Nakamura Y, Suzuki E, Inoue K, Kohsaka S (2010) P2Y12 receptor-mediated integrin-beta1 activation regulates microglial process extension induced by ATP. Glia 58:790-801.

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Sanagi T, Yabe T, Yamada H (2010) Adenoviral gene delivery of pigment epithelium-derived factor protects striatal neurons from quinolinic acid-induced excitotoxicity. J neuropathol exp neurol 69:224-233.

Tsunematsu T, Fu LY, Yamanaka A, Ichiki K, Tanoue A, Sakurai T, van den Pol AN (2008) Vasopressin increases locomotion through a V1a receptor in orexin/hypocretin neurons: implications for water homeostasis. J Neurosci 28:228-238.

Sanagi T, Yabe T, Yamada H (2008) Gene transfer of PEDF attenuates ischemic brain damage in the rat middle cerebral artery occlusion model. J neurochem 106:1841-1854.

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常松友美 「Activation, Input, Modulation (AIM)モデル」 睡眠医療  No. 4 Vol. 16 2022年12月30日

Tomomi Tsunematsu 「Elucidation of Neural Circuits Involved in the Regulation of Sleep/Wakefulness Using Optogenetics」Optogenetics. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Springer 2021年1月

常松友美、松井広 「睡眠覚醒のスイッチ」Clinical Neuroscience Vol. 37 07月号 睡眠―正常生理とその異常 2019年7月1日

常松友美、森澤陽介、松井広 「睡眠の光操作とグリア細胞機能の役割」Clinical Neuroscience Vol. 36 08月号 光が拓く神経科学の未来―オプトジェネティクスと光イメージング 2018年8月1日

佐柳友規, 高坂新一 「脳内ミクログリアの機能」 日本生物学的精神医学会誌 2017年

佐柳友規 「最近のミクログリア研究の動向と新しい標識Iba1抗体」 和光純薬時報 2016年

Akihiro Yamanaka and Tomomi Tsunematsu 「Elucidation of Neuronal Circuitry Involved in the Regulation of Sleep/Wakefulness Using Optogenetics」Orexin and Sleep, Springer 2015年9月

Tomomi Tsunematsu and Akihiro Yamanaka 「Chapter 17: Elucidation of Neuronal Circuitry Involved in the Regulation of Sleep/Wakefulness Using Optogenetics」Optogenetics Light-Sensing Proteins and Their Applications, Springer 2015年6月

佐柳友規, 一戸紀孝, 高坂新一 「ニューロン-ミクログリア相関による神経回路の成熟」 生体の科学 2015年

常松友美、山中章弘 「オレキシン受容体拮抗薬の登場と不眠症治療のパラダイムシフト「オレキシン受容体拮抗薬の作用メカニズム」」 睡眠医療 株式会社ライフ・サイエンス 第8巻増刊号  2014年11月

常松友美、山中章弘 「オプトジェネティクス-光工学と遺伝学による行動制御技術の最前線-」株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス 2013年4月